Thriller Mashup

Something unexpected happened this week…I created a Thriller Mashup (Downloads Available). This is the second unscheduled, unplanned, impromptu recording that just sort of happened.

It was recorded on September 8 and 9, 2015 during a planning session for my upcoming Adobe Gila’s gig. The night started similar to any other weeknight really. I sat down at the computer and began digging through the Internet looking for music. Typically my search begins with a DJ pool, then Soundcloud, and from there I usually end up down some deep and dark rabbit hole of music. My search resulted in about 5 tracks that would be useful during future performances, which is a pretty decent amount for a night’s worth of digging. I was content with the tracks that I had found and moved on to another part of my nightly routine…mixing records.

So there I stand, mixing records (digitally using Serato), and I stumbled upon a couple of Thriller remixes that I found a few days prior. The night I found these Thriller records, I also set out to find an old breakbeat classic called Nightmare Walking. I must have had Halloween on my mind that night. Loaded in the decks, are a Thriller Remix and a remix of Nightmare Walking. I begin to bounce between them and notice that these two were made for each other! After a few minutes of messing around, I eventually pressed record and had no idea it would result in an official Mashup. Muahahahahahahahahaha (Vincent Price laugh).

Head on over to the Remixed and Mashed Up page and listen to my Thriller mashups!

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